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The Fog

Writer's picture: Laura DahlLaura Dahl

Updated: May 10, 2024

As I was driving this morning there was a heavy fog present.  There were times that I could not see more than 10 feet in front of me. I found myself slowing down and a bit of panic set in.  This is when I heard the Lord say to me, slow and steady, I am with you.


As the drive continued and the sun came out, the fog began to burn off. The Lord was showing me that as the sun comes up and gets brighter it clears the sight and path for clear vision again, removing the fog.


The same can be said for His Son. As Jesus, His Son, comes into our life and begins to burn brighter in our lives he makes a way that is clear and safe for us. I know for me, this was such a powerful word and the timing was perfect.  I have been walking through a season where I can only see one step in front of me and have been walking by faith with God by my side.  The fog is beginning to clear and the path is able to be seen in front of me, brighter, clearer than ever before.


I pray this is speaking to someone reading this right now. Maybe you are in a place that seems foggy and you cannot see where God is taking you right now.  Know that He is with you and guiding you, but you have to slow down to navigate the fog safely and to stay with Him each step of the way.


Lord, thank you for your patience with us.  Your ways are so much higher than ours. Your plans are for us to prosper and have a future. Lord help us to be sensitive to your spirit and obedient to your promptings as you guide us along both in the fogginess and the sonshine.


Laura Dahl

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